Aditya Kumar Sinha Apps

GIET Gunupur 1.5
This App is made for informative purpose only.Besides these, Parents are able to keep track on their ward'sAttendance who are studying in GIET, Gunupur.All Notices and Events updates including Placements record areavailable here...And more...Gandhi institute of Engineering and Technology was establishedin the year 1997, with a motto of providing quality engineeringeducation in a highly disciplined environment with internationalstandards, along with character building of students who will beable to stand up to the challenges of the present employmentmarket.This GIET Gunupur App having some:..:: Key Features ::..1. It Comes with Offline Prospectus: what is GIET, Gunupur; WhyGIET, Gunupur; Motto & Vision etc.2. Notice & Events updates at one click.3. Attendance percentages of students.4. University Results - BPUT results at one click.5. Direct Contact to Administration.6. Admission Procedure and Contacts.7. Placements Information.8. Map to GIET, Gunupur - for easy reach....:: Functions ::..1. CAMPUS – This is offline feature. It tells about GIET, Gunupur.Why GIET is best? The Ideals behind GIET. And Motto and vision ofthe Institution.2. OUR LINKS – This contains the Websites of the Institutes whichare under GIET, Gunupur Campus like: GIET (Main website); GIBS(Biological Studies), GIMS (Management Studies), GPS (Gandhi PublicSchool).3. ADMISSION – This contains two parts: ADMISSION PROCEDURE andADMISSON ASSISTANCE. It helps the students to know the exactadmission procedure to get admitted in GIET, Gunupur and be a partof it.4. NOTICE & EVENTS – This is the Online Service, It containsall the notices and events updates of the GIET Institution.5. PHOTOGALLERY – This contains Photos of GIET Institution. This isonline feature.6. UNIVERSITY RESULTS – This is linked to BPUT results site forfast access of BPUT results.7. STUDENT ATTENDANCE – This service enables students and theirparents/ guardians to check the current attendance percentage ofany student. This database works on daily updates. So, one caneasily get How many classes were held, How many classes a studenthave attended plus Whole semester Attendance at One Click.8. PLACEMENT RECORDS – This feature tells you about the Placement’supdates of the Institution.9. CONTACT US – This is sub-divided into two parts:*Talk to Administration and*Admission Assistance.TALK TO ADMINISTRATION – Direct calling buttons, helps parents andguardians to stay in touch with Dean and Principal of the GIETInstitution. Beside these, one can also enquire about Fees or anyinformation related to Institution by tapping ENQUIRY button.ADMISSION ASSISTANCE – contains the contact details of theAdmission Assistance of GIET, Gunupur.10. MAP OF GIET – With the help of Google Maps, this features tellsyou about the location of GIET, Gunupur. And one can easily findways to reach GIET, Gunupur.11. FACEBOOK link to follow GIET, GUNUPUR on Facebook.-- Developer Contact –--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find me on Facebook:© Aditya Kumar Sinha.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------